Season 21-22

Season 21-22




Now that the very notion of time has become relative, we need to ask ourselves a fundamental question: will the future consist only of new inventions? In the increasing flux of ideas, so many of them never come to fruition. Often, certain ideas are left at the sketched-in stage, like photographic negatives which have not yet been developed.

Perhaps it would be better, in the end, to contemplate instead to look at what has gone into our present: the past. Again, it is quite relative. And this idea of contemplation is also important, especially since it is through the eyes of the spectator that the work is completed. It can even be changed, affected, depending on the moment or the light surrounding the work.

It is for this reason that for this season we choose to look at what exists, some of the things that are around us, available to us, but have not yet been presented to others. We will be exploring the reconstruction of works from the past which are still relevant today. We are also looking at revising forgotten things which deserve to be brought back out into the light. With – in the middle of all that --an invention which will make us re-evaluate our relationship to time itself. We spent a long time thinking about all of this; during the pandemic we looked at the concept of creating things: now it is time to act. And we are ready! At least we think so.