The ON DANSE workshops and courses allow students to physically explore the universe of the artists workin with the CCN – Ballet de Lorraine. They are open to amateur and advanced dancers alike, 16 years and older.
Rates: full rate: 40€ / reduced rate*: 25€
Informations et réservations auprès de la billetterie : / T. 03 83 85 69 08
(c) Katherine Longly
Initially trained in dance movement by Hervé Diasnas, Camille Mutel experienced a seminal shock at the age of 20 when watching a butoh dance performance, which triggered a radical change in her approach to the body and to movement. A few years later she could be found working with Masaki Iwana, in a critically acclaimed solo Le Sceau de Kali [The mark of Kali].
She began performing on the “alternative” circuits in France, Italy and Japan, did some striptease dancing and posed for photographers. Her principal focus became the relationship to the self and to others.
Her solo Effraction de l’Oubli [Crime of forgetting] in 2010 was a step into institutional recognition and acclaim with the company Li(luo), which she directs. Her other creations (Go, go, go said the bird — human kind cannot bear very much reality in 2015 and Not I in 2020) made it possible for her to work with a team of collaborators, connecting on a human as well as artistic level, with whom she continued to explore the radicality of her movement vocabulary. She was awarded the prestigious Hors les murs grant in 2014 from the Villa Kujoyama, and also received support from the Beaumarchais Foundation in 2019, and her national and international reputation continues to grow.