KAYAK (à voir en famille à partir de 6 ans)

KAYAK (à voir en famille à partir de 6 ans)




Creation on February 21, 2018 at the Opéra national de Lorraine (Nancy)

Photos (c) Laurent Philippe


La BaZooKa (Étienne Cuppens and Sarah Crépin)
Étienne Cuppens
Sarah Crépin
Adriano Celentano - "Prisencolinensinainciusol"
Kilian Haselbeck
Sarah Crépin and Étienne Cuppens, created by the Atelier costumes of the CCN - Ballet de Lorraine
Christophe Olivier
Vocal coach
Françoise Klein
Rehearsal assistant
Isabelle Bourgeais
La BaZooKa (Étienne Cuppens and Sarah Crépin)
Étienne Cuppens
Sarah Crépin
Adriano Celentano - "Prisencolinensinainciusol"
Kilian Haselbeck
Sarah Crépin and Étienne Cuppens, created by the Atelier costumes of the CCN - Ballet de Lorraine
Christophe Olivier
Vocal coach
Françoise Klein
Rehearsal assistant
Isabelle Bourgeais


KAYAK (l'action se passe en Suéde, c'est-à-dire, nulle part)

For families and children 6 years and older

Three “Swedish” characters, seen from three different angles, attempt to develop a song and dance number, with great determination and enthusiasm, deliberately going against the obvious directions.

The group continues to hope for success in spite of many failures in rehearsal after rehearsal. Their obstinacy drives them to strange and foolish places, such that the dimensions of space and time explode into a rhythmic performance of poetic jubilation.


La BaZooka

From their first creations, conceived beginning in 2002 by Etienne Cuppens and Sarah Crépin, La BaZooKa has focused on the spectactor, exposing him/ her to certain stage or optical structures, such as in MonStreS (where the audience was surrounded by mirrors), offering unexpected perspectives on the body and exploring the ideas of memory and incarnation.

However, beginning with Ka, Madison, MonStreS Indiens and finally Queen Kong, the works have become more political, introducing a series of reflections about freedom, be it solitary or as part of a small group, of a community or as part of a couple, as in the current creation Stravinsky Motel, continuing and focusing further their work on identity. It is a common theme in all the works by La BaZooKa.


 Chorégraphe et interprète pour La BaZooKa. 

After studying ballet and contemporary dance at the Conservatory in Grenoble as well as a year studying at the CNDC in Angers, Sarah danced for François Raffinot, Joanne Leighton, Myriam Naisy, Xavier Lot, Anja Hempel, Fabrice Lambert, Razerka Ben-Sadia-Lavant, Hervé Robbe and Emmanuelle Vo-Dinh ... At the same time she began her own research and creative work, beginning in 1998 with Quasi Torero (a solo), and Fulgure in 2001, a work for 5 female dancers, one male dancer (Denis Lavant) and an electric guitar player (Etienne Cuppens).

Since 2002, she has conceived and created with Etienne Cuppens a number of different works for La BaZooKa.


As the director of works by La BaZooKa, he also creates acoustic environments, designs the sets and conceives the choreographic propositions in collaboration with Sarah Crépin.

He has also created sound for live performance and film, collaborating with Jean-Paul Buisson, Isabelle Dubouloz, Pierre Doussaint, Philippe Van de Walle, Yvan Duruz, Hervé Robbe, François Raffinot, Emmannuelle Vo-Dinh, Aude Vermeil, Thierry Langlois and Arnaud Troalic ...


French /  English

Photos de la pièce © Laurent Philippe